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Overall Arrangement

When it comes to the <div> element in CSS, "overall arrangement" refers to how you structure and style these container elements on a webpage. You use CSS to select your <div> elements, define their visual properties (such as background color, borders, and spacing), and position them to create the desired layout and design for your webpage.





Background and Border

In CSS, the "border" of a <div> lets you create a visible outline around the element, controlling its width, style, and color. Meanwhile, the "background" of a <div> allows you to set a color or image behind its content, influencing its visual appearance within your webpage layout.

Background Color

Background Image


Border Radius

Text and Font

In CSS, the "text" of a <div> refers to the content within it, and you can use properties like "color" and "alignment" to style the text. The "font" of a <div> involves properties like "font-family," "font-size," and "font-weight" to control how the text looks, including its typeface, size, and boldness.


Font Size

Font Weight

Text Align

Letter Spacing

Line Height


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