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  1. Contents
  2. Format Examples
  3. Explaination
    1. Fonts
    2. Meaurements
    3. Structures

Format Examples

Elements' Formats
Label Name Effect Example Remark
a Hyperlink

Hello World!

abbr Abbreviation


address Address
Author: Acan
Email: xie.zeyu20@gmail.com
Address: Forskarbacken 7, Universitet, Stockholm, Sweden
area / map An area of an image / Define an image map Hydrangea Top-left Corner In the left image, the top-left corner is clickable.
article Article

The Title of the Article

The content of the article.

Author: Acan

Date: 2023-12-18

aside Aside /
b Bold

Hello World!

bdi Bi-Directional Isolation

Apple is an English word, while 苹果 is a Chinese word.

bdo Bi-Directional Override

Hello World! 你好,世界!

blockquote Long quotation
Hello World!
button Button

canvas Canvas Your explorer doesn't support canvas. /
cite Title of books, articles etc.

La Traviata

code Code

Please input console.log("Hello World! ") to ask your computer to output "Hello World! ".

data Readable translation for machine
  • Tomato
  • Potato
  • Sugar
datalist Pre defined list for input label
dd / dl / dt Description / Description list / Descripted object
Capital of China
Capital of Sweden
del Deleted contents

Sharon, Lisa and Ada are my wives.

details / summary Details / The title of details

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the party governing Chinese people.

dfn Defination

HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language for long, is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

dialog Dialog window Hello World! /
div Division

Hello World!

em Stress the content

You must go quickly!

fieldset / form / legend Divide the forms / Forms / Title of each fieldset
Basic Information
Education Information
figcaption / figure Title of a figure / Figure
footer Footer
Author: Acan
Date: 2023-12-18
h1 - h6 Titles

First Level Title

Second Level Title

Third Level Title

Fourth Level Title

Fifth Level Title
Sixth Level Title
header Headers of articles or pages

This is the title

By Acan Xie


This is the main part of the article.

hgroup A title and several paragraphs

This is a title

Paragraph 1 starts from here.

Paragraph 2 starts from here.

This is the last paragraph.

hr Divide different topics
i Texts in special tones

The company named Apple introduced the first smartphone.

iframe Inner frames /
img Images Hydrangea /
input Input
Different kinds of input

ins Inserted texts

Sharon, Amy and Lisa are my wives.

kbd Keyboard

Please press Enter to submit your answer.

label Define the label of inputs
li / ol / ul List items / Ordered lists / Unordered lists
  • Apple
  • Banana
  1. Apple
  2. Banana
main Define the main part of the page

Hello World!

mark Marked texts

Don't forget to buy milk tomorrow.

menu List without order
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Coconut
  • /
    meter Define a meter within a known range

    120 km/h

    nav Navigation Links /
    noscript Define contents for explorers not supporting scripts /
    optgroup / option / select Groups for dropdown menus / Options / Dropdown menus /
    output Output value
    + =
    p Paragraph

    Hello World!

    picture Multiple images Hydrangea Reset the size of windows and the explorer can display different kinds of photos.
    pre Pre formatted texts
            Hello World! 
                Hello World! 
    progress Progress
    64 %
    q Short quotes

    Hello World!

    rp / rt / ruby Provide support for "()" on those explorers not supporting ruby display / Define some east Asian characters' appearance and pronounciation / Ruby notations

    ( ㄏㄢˋ )

    s Words which are no longer correct

    There are 15 tickets left only!

    No tickets!

    samp Sample output from computers

    That's what on my screen:
    Sorry! No available rooms for you!
    What should I do now?

    search A group of contents related to search
    section A part of the page

    Hello World!

    small Small texts

    Hello small World!

    source Media sources /
    span A part of text or page
    Hello World!

    Hello World!

    strong Important texts

    This is Mr. Rubin, a very famous mathematician.

    sub / sup Subscript text / Supscript text

    Water is written as H2O in chemistry.

    Suppose a is the width of a square, then a2 is the area of it.

    template Something temporarily hidden or to be shown as a template Explorer supports templates:
    time Time

    We work from to .

    I have a date on with my girlfriend.

    u Underline

    Hello World!

    var Var

    So we have a is equal to 1.

    video Video The explorer plays the first source it supports.
    wbr Web break opportunity

    To learn AJAX, you must be familiar with the XML Http Request Object.


    Table 4.1: Elements' Formats


    This page serves as a guide for my upcoming webpage design, emphasizing flexibility over static templates or other rigid structures. In essence, it allows for necessary modifications. I simply need to adhere to the overarching style of this page and create similarly styled pages.


    The text size is rigorously controlled, adhering to the fundamental principle that 1em corresponds to 16px at the root of the DOM. Consequently, we have specified sizes such as 32px for h1, 24px for h2, 18.72px for h3, 16px for h4, 13.33px for h5, and 10.67px for h6. Texts within small labels are set at 13.33px, while sub and sup texts are sized at 12px. Additionally, it's noteworthy that texts in label captions match the size of h3 titles.

    Font choices are quite regulated around here. Essentially, we stick to "Times New Roman", Times, serif; as the primary font. When it comes to code snippets and output samples, we opt for "Courier New", Courier, monospace;. No other font families make an appearance on our pages.

    In terms of font styles, several labels may appear similar in appearance, despite harboring distinct semantic effects. Consider hyperlinks, inserted texts, and abbreviations, which exhibit solid underlines; however, hyperlinks and inserted texts have solid lines, and abbreviations have dotted underlines. Deleted texts, on the other hand, feature strikethrough lines. Additionally, we employ bold formatting for strong labels, while addresses, blockquotes and citations are presented in italics.

    Prior to proceeding, I wish to cite the words of Ockham in order to underscore the fundamental thoughts of the principle:

    Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate. (English: Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity)

    In accordance with this principle, the following three guidelines are established:

    1. The semantic meaning of HTML tags should be adhered to rigorously.
    2. The structure of HTML code should conform precisely to the outlined specifications.
    3. All blank areas must be regarded with precision to avoid errors on screens of varying sizes.


    Now, let's discuss the measurements. We advise against any alterations, except for adhering to the natural flow of text. In other words, simply jotting down HTML codes, akin to Markdown codes, is a prudent choice. The template file index.css will generate blank spaces automatically.

    By default, we exclusively apply padding to the body—specifically, padding-inline: 16px;. While there might be other elements with non-zero paddings, these are solely defaults set by Explorer. None of them have been incorporated into the index.css file.

    When it comes to borders, they are primarily essential in table-related elements such as table, thead, tbody, tr, th, and td. By default, we establish the width of the table's outer border as 2px, consistent with the line between thead and tbody. Other borders within tables have a default width of 1px. Nonetheless, all these borders manifest as solid lines in the default color (#000000). Certain other elements also feature nonzero borders; for instance, fieldsets have 1px-wide borders matching the borders of inputs.

    Margins can be quite intricate for us, as they coexist with most block elements. To enhance the overall appearance, the margin of most block elements is configured using margin-block: 1em; , allowing them to dynamically adjust based on the font size of their parent elements. We refrain from adding margin-inline properties to them, with the exception of the body, which is designated as margin-inline: auto; to ensure centered display.

    We aim for the default spacing between elements to be determined by the margin value. Consequently, manually resetting margins or introducing line breaks is not advisable. In instances where margin overlap is eliminated, such as in flex display mode or with floating elements, it is permissible to manually remove the outermost margin-block-start and margin-block-end to maintain page standardization.


    We don't impose restrictions on the length of the page—it's of no concern. However, we do uphold a somewhat stringent rule regarding its width. Initially, taking into account the contents, we must specify: width: auto; . Subsequently, we establish the middle page size as the baseline, denoted by $md: 728px; , and set it as the maximum width for our pages: max-width: $md; . Additionally, with an eye on smaller screens, we require max-width: 100%; .

    Large Screens (PC)

    Small Screens (Smart Phones)

    Wide Contents



    Thin Contents


    Auto / 100%

    Table 5.3.1: Body's Measurements

    It's important to emphasize the significance of titles. In this guidance, we recommend using h1 for the page title and h2 for section titles. These titles hold considerable weight on a page, so their numbers should be limited. We highly recommend including a maximum of one h1 title and no more than ten h2 titles. Exceeding these limits may result in a page that appears overly complex.

    H3 represents the third-level heading, intended for smaller subsections within sections. Meanwhile, h4 is notable for its equivalent size to regular text but with increased boldness. H5 and h6 are currently inactive due to their respective sizes. In essence, we contend that four levels suffice to convey the page's structural arrangement.